On the blog
Hi and welcome!
I’m so grateful you’re here.
Within my blog, you’ll find strategies and education to support people just like you on your journey to reclaiming your life and rediscovering your self-worth in the midst of recovering from a toxic relationship.
If this doesn’t feel like the right time to begin therapy, you may find these blog posts helpful until you feel ready to start the deeper work.
Not sure where to start?
No problem!
I’ve curated this collection of blog posts for you to ease you into your journey.
Breaking the Silence: Empowering Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse in June 1 Awareness Campaign
I am excited to share my monthly blog.
Breaking Free: Escaping the Chains of a Narcissistic Family System.
I am excited to share my monthly blog.
Culturally Sensitive Boundary Setting: Fostering Harmonious Immigrant Family Dynamics
I am excited to share my monthly blog.